44 Low-resolution Houses presents a series of houses through a double technological and representational-aesthetic lens. All 44 houses collected here fall into one or more of the following categories of low-resolution: first, houses that vaguely resemble houses, using familiar low-res house elements like pitched roofs, chimneys, windows, doors, porches, etc.; second, houses that appear to be constructed in a low-res manner, in that one can see the construction, joints, and materials, and have a sort of cheap unfinished quality; and third, houses that are composed of low-res organization with basic geometric primitives squares, circles, and triangles arranged in a non-compositional or abstract manner. By these using these terms, low-resolution is in contrast to high-resolution architectural sophistication, gestural complex curvature, bodily organic figuration, and architectural paradigms focused on seamlessness and integrated smoothness.
Trim Size: 9.25x13
Number of Pages: 152
Binding Method:
Typefaces: Custom Azkidenz Grotesque
Creative Director: Michael Meredith, Alex Lin
Art Director: Alex Lin
Book Designer: Alex Lin
Jacket/Cover Designer: Alex Lin
Illustrator: Paul Ruppert
Photographer: Michael Vahrenwald
Picture Editor:
Production Director:
Production Coordinator:
Production Artist:
Other Credits: Photography by Michael Vahrenwald
44 Low-resolution Houses
Winner - AIGA 50 Books | 50 Covers of 2018
Book Title: 44 Low-resolution Houses
Design Firm/Agency: Studio Lin
Publisher: Princeton
Author/Editor: Michael Meredith
Juror Comments
The designer made the smart typographic choice to use one weight and type size throughout, with hierarchy defined by space alone, for a book in which the houses are represented, “in the same manner, at the same scale, and with the same orientation.” The book cover is completely white, mirroring the architectural models. The sensitivity of the design to the subject matter is delightful. — Daphne Geismar
Winner Status
- 50 Books Winner