The Walker Art Center Museum Teen Programs How-To Kit offers a collection of reflections, conversations, and essays on cohort based teen programs at museums paired with resources and instructions for applied activities. Consisting of contributions from museum teen education professionals from across the United States, the Museum Teen Programs How-To Kit publication is intended to be "by educators and for educators," navigating the unique challenges of facilitating impactful creative youth development in museums. The book takes the form of a narrow "field guide" with a durable plastic cover printed in red, green, and blue. It is organized into three main sections, each divided into two parts: narrative writing and educator resources consisting of instructions for applied activities. The photo essay that appears throughout contains archival images from over 30 years of Walker Art Center teen programs. Exaggerated information graphics, boxes, bullets, and lists are used as a formal device to parse what is sometimes very dense content. The book is typeset in Saguaro Sans and Saguaro Sans Bold Rounded, a loose revival of Sonoran Sans, an early version of Arial as it existed in 1984, created by the Walker Design Studio's resident type designer, Brian Huddleston.
Trim Size: 5 x 9.25
Number of Pages: 512
Binding Method: Perfect bound
Paper: Munken Lynx Rough, Refutura, Magno Gloss
Typefaces: Saguaro Sans, DeVinne, Bodoni. Typeface note: Saguaro Sans was designed by Brian Huddleston. It is a loose revival of Sonoran Sans, an early version of Arial as it existed in 1984.
Creative Director: Mark Owens
Art Director:
Book Designer: Ian Babineau
Jacket/Cover Designer: Ian Babineau
Picture Editor:
Production Director:
Production Coordinator:
Production Artist:
Other Credits: This publication is made possible with generous support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Museum Teen Programs How-To Kit
Book and Cover
Winner - AIGA 50 Books | 50 Covers of 2023
Book Title: Museum Teen Programs How-To Kit
Design Firm/Agency: Walker Art Center Design Studio
Publisher: Walker Art Center
Author/Editor: Simona Zappas, Nisa Mackie, and Dr. Yolanda J. Majors
Winner Status
- Book Winner