"Bolsonaro Genocida" compiles an investigation that demonstrates the action of the government of Jair Bolsonaro to promote the lack of respect for Indigenous rights and the preservation of the environment and the spread of the coronavirus in Brazil.
The political manifesto nature of the book led organically to a cover depicting discontent with the elected president. Thus a more urban language of popular expression was conceived and, along with it, the desire to transform this language into something interactive to transcend the pages of paper. That gave rise to the idea of the stencil as a mass communication tool, and by making a die-cut in the flap of the book, this could materialize, allowing the reader to also intervene with the stencil on walls, t-shirts and flags, becoming part of a collective action.
Trim Size: 5,3 x 8,2
Number of Pages: 320
Binding Method:
Typefaces: Dirty Baker's Dozen Regular (customized), Lorimer No. 2
Creative Director:
Art Director: Bianca Oliveira
Book Designer:
Jacket/Cover Designer: Túlio Cerquize
Illustrator: Túlio Cerquize
Photographer: Nino Andres Biasizzo
Picture Editor:
Production Director:
Production Coordinator:
Production Artist:
Other Credits:
Bolsonaro Genocida
Book Title: Bolsonaro Genocida
Design Firm/Agency: Túlio Cerquize
Publisher: Editora Elefante
Author/Editor: Tadeu Breda
Juror Comments
“A brilliant nod to the stencil as a form of political activism. Nice vibrant colors.” —Laura Coombs
“Love a stencil—and this one, in particular, engages the reader into participation.” —Kimberly Varella
Winner Status
- 50 Covers Winner